Sam & Aaron Taylor-Johnson had a date-night at Chiltern Firehouse: cute?


We’ve covered Sam Taylor Johnson (formerly Sam Taylor Wood) and her young husband Aaron Taylor Johnson (formerly Aaron Johnson) before. They were the May-December couple that redefined “art-house cougars” forever. Aaron was 18/19 when he first met Sam and when they first got together. Now he’s 24 and they’ve been married for a while and they have two little girls. He’s also step-father to Sam’s older daughters, who are much closer to his age.

Sam is 47 years old now, and she’s “hip,” you guys! These are photos of Sam and Aaron out and about last night in London. They were going into (or coming out of) the Chiltern Firehouse, which is London’s hotspot of the moment. Nothing says “hip, cool couple” like leather jeggings (thank you Yeezus!) paired with dirty sneakers and a Cosby-esque sweater. The only thing that would make this outfit cooler would be if Sam also had a fanny pack and a Coach purse. SO HIP.

Meanwhile, Sam is probably in post-production on Fifty Shades of Grey – she directed it, if you remember. And when I Googled her, I found this interesting piece of news from a week ago – her house was raided by police!

POLICE were called to the home of artist and film director Sam Taylor-Johnson this weekend after a machine gun was spotted through a window at the London address.

The firearm in question was a deactivated M16 assault rifle that had been given to Taylor-Johnson for an art project that she is working on, reports the BBC. It was left on a desk by a window, which prompted the 999 call by a “concerned passer-by”.

“The firearm was located in Sam Taylor-Johnson’s basement studio and has been confirmed as a certified and fully decommissioned M16 assault rifle that was provided to Mrs Taylor-Johnson by the international charity Peace One Day as part of an art project entitled Peace One Day M16,” a spokesperson for Taylor-Johnson said. “The project, curated by Jake Chapman, consists of new works by some of the most celebrated names in contemporary art, all of whom are transforming fully decommissioned M16 assault rifles.”

Taylor-Johnson – who has most recently directed Fifty Shades of Grey – her husband, the actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and their children were not present at the time of the visit.

[From Vogue]

Now that is hip. That’s a great story to tell at parties: “Remember the time my house was raided because of an art project? Remember the time that the cops busted through my door because someone gave me a decommissioned M16 as a gift?”



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
