Porsha Williams Shares The Funniest Photos With Her Baby Girl, PJ

Porsha Williams shared a bunch of pics featuring Pilar Jhena, and people are in awe. Check out some of the recent pics that she dropped on her social media account below.

Porsha said: ‘I’m literally raising myself 🤯❤️ Twinning,’ and one other follower posted this: ‘She looked just like Porsha when Porsha was a little girl. Definitely twins.’

Someone else said: ‘Dennis twin she’s Beautiful 😍pm and another follower posted this: ‘Always knew she looked like mommy. Beautiful baby ❤️❤️’

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A post shared by Pilar (@pilarjhena)

A commenter said: ‘pretty PJ❤️. Porsha, you always have her looking so cute. 🥺🥺’ and one othe follower said: ‘Dear Cutiepie @pilarjhena U is just the most beautiful little girl. Continue doing u as in driving mommy and daddy crazy and bringing us the outside world 🌍 smiles. Thanks, we appreciate your little one. The world is awaiting your growth but enjoys being pampered by your family forever.#greatjob#mommy&#daddy!!! U guys are doing a fine job.!!!’

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A post shared by Pilar (@pilarjhena)

Someone else said: ‘Aww, my toddler has the same jacket so sweet 😍’ and one other followewr said: ‘Hi PJ, you’re a doll love your outfit and hair, little Porsha.’

One commenter said: ‘PJ, you’re beautiful and adorable, so cute,’ and someone else posted this: ‘Wow, she’s getting big@@ no more baby PJ Moma she’s growing in y’all.’

In other news, Porsha Williams is back with a new season of her podcast – Check out the second season and the message that she dropped on her social media account.

‘#Swipe 🎉🎉We’re back with an all-new season of laughs, love, and candid conversations that the only family can have. New episodes of Porsha4Real start Wednesday, March 17th! ‘


Check out a previous article in order to see the complete message that she shared on her social media account.
