How Nina Simone fell in love with her abusive husband

  In this exclusive extract from his new biography, What Happened, Miss Simone?, Alan Light explains how the musician Nina Simone fell in love with her second husband, Andrew Stroud, in 1961. He became her manager and realised her dream of playing in the Carnegie Hall but also sexually abused her. 

“She had her own mind. She didn’t give a f--- about anybody or anything. She said at one point that I represented strength, and that this is what she liked. And this was her MO. She always looked for security. She was looking for protection.” — ANDREW STROUD ON NINA SIMONE

"My dad was the fifth son of a fifth son,” said Lisa Simone Kelly, née Lisa Stroud. “He was born in Virginia. His father was Dutch, his mother was dark as night. A mulatto child in Virginia, and the youngest son—so that sets our stage right there. I believe something happened to my dad early in his life that made him so hard that he swore he would never be a victim again.”

Nina Simone with her daughter by Andrew Stroud, Lisa, aged two, at home Credit: Courtesy of the Estate of Alfred Wertheimer

When he met Nina Simone, Andrew Stroud was a thirty-five-year-old Harlem-based detective who had served in the navy. It was said that he was so feared on the streets near his precinct that when he stepped out of his squad car everyone would scatter—guilty, innocent, passers-by, it didn’t matter; they just wanted to stay out of Andy’s way.

“And that’s what attracted my mom to him, because she had this love affair with fire,” said Lisa. “On top of being charismatic, he was not afraid, and he could be a bully—he could be very mean. I think they were both nuts, because that’s like invit­ing the bull with the red cape, ‘Just come on into my kitchen and let’s see what we can do.’ ”

Stroud could often be found at a Harlem bar called the Lenox Lounge, where he was friendly with the manager and his wife, a sometime nightclub entertainer named Becky Harding. One night while Stroud was drinking at the Lenox, Harding told him that she had just seen a fantastic singer named Nina Simone at a midtown supper club called the Round Table and that she was going to go back and he should join her.

Nina Simone Credit: Herb Snitzer

Stroud drove them down to the venue. Harding had introduced herself to the singer on her first visit, so after her set Simone came to their table to say hello. Stroud was eating a hamburger next to Harding. Simone playfully snatched up some of his French fries and, as he said later, “We got cute and whatnot.”

Stroud was driving his friends home, so following her final set Simone joined them and they headed up to Harlem. She hung out for a few drinks at the Lenox Lounge, and then he dropped her off at her Central Park West apartment, just a few blocks from his police station. Before getting out of the car, she handed him the Round Table business card, which had a note on the back saying, “Nice to have met you—Nina,” and her phone number.

They started seeing each other immediately; she claimed at one point that when she said goodnight to Stroud after their second or third date, he broke into her apartment with skeleton keys, just to show that he could (Stroud denied this story). Not that this kind of aggression frightened her off. “By this time,” she said, “I was quite hot for him.”

Born Eunice Waymon, she changed her name to Nina Simone when she started playing nightclubs in Atlantic City, knowing that her mother would disapprove Credit: Herb Snitzer

“He scared me to death,” she said in 1967. “He knew what he wanted and he was gentle with me. It was like he just took over, and I’m glad of that.”

“I had met a lot of women in show business,” Stroud said. “These women are a little stronger than the ordinary women that you meet. They have a lot of character, spunk. She stood out as a person, strong character, and could really turn on the charm when she wanted to. She was very unusual, and a chemistry just set in.”

Stroud had been married three times already, and he had two sons in addition to a daughter who had died. “His first wife was from the West Indies,” Simone said. “His second wife was a high-yellow woman, and his third wife was Puerto Rican. Obviously you can see what he was trying to do with me, trying to find himself. He knew about his problem with the race, and he didn’t know where he belonged. So he wanted a woman who he knew would accept that and understand that.”

Musical prodigy: Nina Simone performing in July 1968 at the Newport Jazz Festival on Rhode Island  Credit: David Redfern/Redferns 

As her personal life was undergoing this thrilling, dramatic transformation, Simone’s career was continuing to thrive. Her single “Trouble in Mind” / “Cotton Eyed Joe” had been a Top 10 R&B hit, and the At Newport album—documenting her high-energy festival appearance—peaked at number 23 on the pop charts, the highest spot any of her LPs would reach. She went back into the studio for the first time in almost two years, and an April performance at the Village Gate was recorded for another live album (a show that was also notable because her open­ing act was a young and terrified Richard Pryor, in one of his first-ever public appearances).

On weekends, Stroud would sprint out at the end of his shift and race to meet her at out-of-town gigs. “I’d catch an eleven or twelve o’clock pm plane out of LaGuardia, fly to Boston, or one time to Chicago,” he said. “Another time I drove down to Philly. I used to go meet her on the last day of the engagement, and we’d hang out, then come back together.”

Simone often had sequins glued to her eyebrows and eyelids for her performances Credit: Courtesy of the Estate of Alfred Wertheimer

Even the early days of their relationship, though, came with some obstacles. As he was getting involved with Nina, Stroud was actually still in the process of breaking up with his previous wife. It wasn’t necessarily a clean break: once his wife saw some lipstick on his shirt and, he claims, threw a pot of hot lye at him.

Meanwhile, he was insisting that Nina abandon the down­town lesbian scene. Stroud, who described Simone’s high school days as the time she “got contaminated” with “gay associations,” was clearly uncomfortable with gay men and lesbians around his woman. “I got rid of that,” he said. “I made that as part of the deal—‘Hey, you want to be serious, you want to be steady, you got to be straight.’ I said, ‘I’m not going to be involved with all of these people. That’s not a part of my life.’ ”

He felt that Simone was testing him, not just with the women in her life, but sometimes with men, too. Once she kept him waiting forty-five minutes for a date, then pulled up in a car with one of her other suitors. “I don’t know what their relationship was,” Stroud said, “but he was one of the guys that I beat out, you might say.” As they went up to her apartment, he slapped her—hard—in the elevator. It was the first time Stroud hit her.

Nina Simone's style combined Parisian elegance with black pride Credit: Courtesy of the Estate of Alfred Wertheimer

“I felt that I had been insulted,” he said. “I just slapped her and I said, ‘Look, forget it, I don’t need this bulls---. You want to play games? I don’t have time. Bye.’ And I left.”

Simone tried downplaying the situation, telling Stroud that nothing was going on with the other man and that it was no big deal. But after he left she immediately sent an apologetic telegram to the police station.

That July—on the heels of the release of the Forbidden Fruit album, her second studio record for Colpix—Simone was scheduled to perform in Philadelphia. She drove the short distance south from New York, but by the time she arrived she was in agonizing pain. “I couldn’t see, there were hammers in my head,” she said. She called her former psychiatrist, Gerry Weiss, who sent for an ambulance.

They placed her in an isolation ward and did multiple spinal taps. At different times she claimed that she had been diagnosed with nonparalytic polio, with spinal meningitis, or with some mystery illness that the doctors couldn’t identify. She also wasn’t sure who had first contacted Stroud, or if she had called him herself, but he was there within a few hours.

Nina pointing to her name on the marquee at the Luxor Theatre in Arnhem, the Netherlands Credit: Gerrit De Bruin

“He came and he saw me in this room eating oatmeal with a spoon,” she said. “Andrew stood over me and it was so much love in the air. It was like a dream. The tenderness and affection that he held the spoon with, to feed me.”

She was institutionalized for seventeen days, and Andy drove from New York to Philadelphia each day. When he wasn’t there, Simone wrote to him, clearly in the absolute thrall of new love (and lust), in a note from July 1961:

"Darling Andy—

. . . I feel like you are a bottomless well that I can pour water into endlessly and it would never be all you needed or wanted. . .

As I told you—you’re the most pleasant thing to think of when I want to go to sleep or not think of anything disturbing . . . then I imagine all sorts of places we haven’t been, and what we’ll do when we get there—besides that! We’d go dancing and dance and dance—can you ballroom? We must sometimes—I don’t do it very well and its so beautiful to watch. You know something? As much as we both like to dance, we’ve only been to one! That’s typical of me—not to do the things I most enjoy—

Maybe when we are not so “hungry” and don’t have to go to bed the minute we see each other, then we’ll go dancing or do something else, huh! Meanwhile, I enjoy you so much and there’s so much more there that I’m actually in no rush to do anything but stay in bed with you—to hold you, to feel you so heavy beside me—to feel so terribly protected when I go to sleep beside you—I’ve never felt that way, particularly that way, with a man before—it’s so hard for me to trust, you know . . . and you’re so gentle—you’re my gentle lion, my Saint Bernard and sometimes my Stud Bull! and sometimes Bully."

In the 1963 Carnegie Hall concert that Stroud arranged as her manager, Simone played an eclectic set list ranging from an Israeli folk tune to a Leadbelly song Credit: Courtesy of the Estate of Alfred Wertheimer

Standing over her hospital bed, with a surgical mask cover­ing his face, Stroud proposed to Simone, almost exactly four months after they had first met. She said that she laughed and cried at the same time, and nodded her answer. When the hospital dismissed her, he announced their engagement to his family.

“He had five brothers and sisters, and he did it right,” Simone said. “That’s the biggest thing—Andrew dotted every I and crossed every T, the way the system said it should be done. Ev­eryone thought he was strange, and he was strange, ’cause being a cop ain’t funny. It ain’t easy.”

Simone made no secret that she was attracted to Stroud’s macho, aggressive style. But soon after the engagement he revealed that he was capable of brutality that she never imagined. Nina Simone would come to understand, very acutely, the temper that caused people to scatter when they saw Andy Stroud on the street.

What Happened, Miss Simone? by Alan Light 320pp, Canongate, £20, ebook £10.04. To order this book from the Telegraph for £16.99 plus  £1.99 p&p call 0844 871 1515 or visit

Read: Mick Brown's review of What Happened, Miss Simone?

