Donald Trump Slammed By Ex Celebrity Apprentice Contestant Tia Carrere Calls His Presidency H

Former Celebrity Apprentice contestant and actress Tia Carrere revealed her opinions on her ex boss, Donald Trump as a president. During an interview with HollywoodLife, Tia slammed the leader of the free world.

When it comes to working with Trump on Celebrity Apprentice in 2012, the General Hospital actress had some positive things to say.

However, the same thing cannot be said about how well he’s doing at his current job, as far as she’s concerned.

While in attendance at the CATS premiere at the Hollywood Pantages, Tia admitted that her opinion on the man had changed a lot since then.

She told HollywoodLife that ‘Unfortunately, everything that has come out of his mouth since becoming President has been hateful, divisive, and patently untrue. I knew he was an ambitious businessman, but I’m [an] eternal optimist and I hope that people would do the right thing and that you would get into an office like that and want to help the American people, but it’s just been a disaster.’

The star went on to make it very clear that she is deeply disappointed in Trump since she remembers he was ‘very gentlemanly’ and equally ‘kind’ at the time she was on his show.

And since Tia also worked with Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, she talked about her as well, saying that: ‘She was also very nice. Very elegant, young woman, but I think… what [Donald’s former lawyer] Michael Cohen said was very accurate – that [running for president] was more about building the Trump brand than it was about becoming President of the United States.’


Tia lasted on Celebrity Apprentice up to task 5.
