From the original post:
"I was thinking, "Wow ,that's what I get for agreeing to confirming, lol"
See, I don't understand this. She was honest and upfront, well, to a point that is. I do think she had one or more guys waiting for a "confirmation". But letting me know in advance, I know I am not going to waste my time and money on someone that I am not going to pursue.
"I asked, "Well, can't know that until you've met, right?" Didn't get a response".
Why bother? She already said no.
"Then I said, "Well, can't have too many friends, I'll see you in our social circles" (or something like that)"
And then the blurb about sour grapes, which kinda proved the point that there were sour grapes.
I guess my ego or my sense of self-esteem is not so fragile or vulnerable as others, but when I had/have someone reject me I just felt that they were making a bad choice but that it is their right to do so. If there is no relationship, then I have invested neither thought or feeling towards that person, so why would I feel hurt or resentful?