Christie Brinkleys latest anti-aging secret is having dogs: they keep me young

Christie Brinkley, 63, is really good at selling stuff. She’ll relate the product or service back to how young-looking and fit she is and how whatever she’s shilling helps maintain that, or she’ll call it a rare treat you can fit in to your anti-aging regimen. This is how she continues to get press for her ventures and endorsements, and somehow she’s even done this with her dogs. I opened this story thinking it would just be a throwaway quote from Christie about how her dogs keep her active, but she has a clear motivation to do this as a spokesperson for Purina. Plus there are dogs involved, I will open any story about dogs (or cats, I’m not picky).

“My dogs keep me active and young feeling. They’ll come to me and take me for a walk or a jog,” Brinkley tells PEOPLE. “They are my personal trainers.”

These two adorable anti-aging antidotes are named Maple Sugar and Chester. Maple Sugar is a 14-year-old Labradoodle, who is surprisingly spry for her age and Chester is a younger rescue pup who is obsessed with his model mom.

“He was supposed to be Sailor’s dog. He’s really attached to me,” Brinkley says of Chester, who was originally adopted by her daughter. “I have never had an animal love me quite the way Chester does, he can’t takes [sic] his eyes off me.”

Providing both unconditional love and free personal training, Brinkley’s dogs are an important presence in her life and she treats them as such, showering them in love, personal attention and keeps them on a tasty, yet nutritional diet.

“In my beauty book, Timeless Beauty, I say nutrition is the foundation of everything, it’s the spring board. It’s the same for your pet,” she explains.

For Brinkley, this means feeding her pets food that is designed to meet all of their needs, especially those that help them age gracefully too.

“At seven dogs and cats become seniors, that is when they need benefits that will help with aging,” says Brinkley, a spokesperson for Purina Pro Plan. “That’s why I feed my senior dog Maple Purina Pro Plan. It has enhanced botanicals and ingredients that aid in digestion, things she needs.”

“They are really everything they’re cracked up to be,” she says about her doggie duo. “They’re loyal and they just offer unconditional love. There is truth in the advertising.”

/[From People]

In that last paragraph she just described dogs. That’s how most dogs are, they’re loyal and it has nothing to do with what kind of food they eat as long as they’re getting decently fed. I’m sure it’s not her dogs keeping her young-feeling/looking, since she seems to have a different justification in every interview. The last time we covered her she was talking about gardening in a bikini so she could get even tan lines. Christie’s little white dogs Maple Sugar and Chester sound and look adorable though, here are some pics of them. I’m petless at the moment and I don’t know if I could have one of those dogs who follows you around and stares at you all the time. My mom’s miniature schnauzer is kind of like that and I end up feeling guilty every time I have to leave the house. I do love taking long walks with her though, that’s fun.


photos credit: WENN, Getty and Instagram/Christie Brinkley
