All skins ranked from best to worst

The Marshal is a bolt-action sniper rifle and one of the best guns in Valorant. It significantly impacts enemies in eco or half-buy rounds, due to which it is well-received in the community. In terms of mobility and cost, this sniper has an upper hand on even the Operator. As icing on the cake, it’s extremely precise while unscoped. Thus, a player with remarkable aim can easily hit headshots and secure valuable kills with the gun.

Choosing a proper Marshal skin can really enhance the gaming experience, while giving sniper enthusiasts the satisfaction they crave. Since Valorant's release, its developers have introduced quite a few cosmetics for the weapon, and players might be wondering which one to add to their inventory. So, this article presents a Marshal skin tier list, based on which they can make their choice.

All Marshal skins tier list from Valorant, ranked from best to worst

Valorant Marshal tier list (Image via Sportskeeda)

Riot Games has introduced a total of 23 Marshal skins in Valorant since the game's release in 2020. The tier list given below is determined based on choice parameters, which are:

  • Number of variants
  • Improving player experience
  • Animation, finisher, and sound effects

Here is a well-prepared tier list for the Marshal skins:

1. S-tier: Skins in this tier have top-notch looks and the best finishers in-game.

2. A-tier: Although not the best, this tier features captivating skins with attractive animations and VFX.

3. B-tier: A handful of the skins in the B-tier have additional variants and look appealing.

4. C-tier: In terms of looks, the skins look decent. However, they offer no animation and VFX.

5. D-tier: The skins in the D-tier have the worst looks and zero variants. They are not recommended for purchase.


1) Sovereign Marshal

This premium edition Marshal skin has better looks and finisher than any other in Valorant. It’s a part of the Sovereign bundle that was released on June 13, 2020. This fully upgradable cosmetic can be purchased from the store for 1775 VP and has four variants: Chroma, Gold, Silver, and Purple.

2) Gaia’s Vengeance Marshal

The Marshal is a part of the Gaia's Vengeance bundle, which was released during Episode 04: Disruption Act 2. Its unique sound and finisher animation made it one of the community's favorite Marshals of all time. It can be obtained from the store for a price of 1775 VP and is fully upgradable and available in four variants: Red, Blue, Green, and Orange.

3) Magepunk Marshal

This Marshal skin is a part of the Magepunk bundle and was introduced during Episode 02: Formation Act 2. The electric spark inside the gun makes it unique in design and enhances the player's experience. The premium edition upgradable skin is available in the Valorant store for 1775 VP and has four variants: Blue, Purple, Green, and Orange.


1) Crimsonbeast Marshal

The developers introduced this Marshal skin during Valorant Episode 05: Dimension Act 2. Even though it has no finisher animation or variants, it has one unique feature that sets it apart. The feature is a custom visual effect and sound that comes into play whenever a player kills an enemy. It's also available in the market for 1775 VP.

2) Neo Frontier Marshal

Neo Frontier Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

The only exclusive edition of the Marshal in Valorant is a part of the Neo Frontier bundle, introduced recently during Episode 07: Evolution Act 1. This fully upgradeable item offers four variants: Brown, Gold, Silver, and Copper. The developers have made it available in the market for 2175 VP, making it the only expensive Marshal skin in the game.

3) Black.Market Marshal

Black.Market Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

It's a part of the Black.Market collection that was released during Episode 06: Revelation Act 2 of Valorant. In terms of looks, the design looks similar to the Neo Frontier Marshal. The specialty of this skin is that the design changes depending upon the side players play on (Defender/Attacker). This Marshal skin is available in the in-game market for 1775 VP.

4) Signature Marshal

Signature Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda and Riot Games)

This Signature Marshal is a part of Episode 06: Revelation Act 2 Battlepass in Valorant. Players have to complete till tier 20 to get this Marshal skin in their inventory. The abstract design on the Marshal looks good in-game. However, it doesn’t offer any variants.

5) Ruin Marshal

The Ruin Marshal is a part of the Ruin collection, introduced during Episode 01: Ignition Act 3's Battlepass. After completing just the 1st tier of the premium edition Battlepass, players could obtain this skin with a beautiful shade of gold. Sadly, it also doesn’t offer any animation or variants.


1) Songsteel Marshal

Songsteel Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

The Marshal skin was available in the Battlepass of Episode 02: Formation Act 3. It's similar to the Sovereign Marshal in terms of looks. Players had to grind their way to tier 40 to obtain this skin. It was a part of the Songsteel collection in Valorant.

2) Venturi Marshal

Venturi Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

The Venturi Marshal is a part of Episode 06: Revelation Act 1 Battlepass. Its futuristic and sleek black design attracts players the most. After completing tier 20, players can obtain this skin in their inventory.

3) Doodle Buds Marshal

This Premium edition Marshal skin is a part of the Doodle Buds bundle, released during Episode 04: Disruption Act 2 of Valorant. It has most of the characters from Valorant in one variant, and the other one has the characters from League of Legends. This Marshal is fully upgradable and is available in the market for 1775 VP.

4) Wasteland Marshal

Wasteland Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

This deluxe edition Marshal skin was released on November 3, 2020, during Episode 01: Ignition. The skin is a part of the Wasteland bundle, and it offers other skins too. It's available in the market for 1275 VP, but offers no animation.

5) Task Force 809 Marshal

The skin was a part of Episode 05: Dimension Act 1 Battlepass. Players are quite mesmerized by the futuristic look of it. To obtain this skin, they had to complete till tier 35. It offers no animation and also has no variants.

6) Luna Marshal

Luna Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

The Luna Marshal was released on January 25, 2023, to celebrate the Lunar year. It’s a part of the Luna collection that offers other decent skins as well. Even though it offers no variants and animation, it looks quite good in-game. It’s available in the market for 1275 VP.


1) Rune Stone Marshal

Episode 5: Dimension Act 3 Battlepass included this beautiful skin. Players had to complete just the 1st tier to get it. Sadly, it offers no variants.

2) Coalition: Cobra Marshal

Coalition: Cobra Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

This Battleplass-exclusive Marshal was added during Episode 04: Disruption Act 3. Players had to grind their way through to tier 30 to pursue this skin. It features a cobra in the body of the Marshal that gives a uniqueness in terms of looks. Unfortunately, it offers no animation but has four variants: Green, Blue, Red, and Orange.

3) Composite Marshal

The Composite Marshal features a sleek orange design and is a part of Episode 07: Evolution Act 1 Battlepass. Players who wanted to obtain this skin, had to complete till tier 30.

4) Winterwunderland Marshal

Winterwunderland Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

Winterwunderland Marshal is a part of the Winterwunderland bundle released on Dec 8, 2020. To celebrate the Christmas holidays, Riot Games released this bundle. And it’s available in the market for 1275 VP.

5) Reverie Marshal

Reverie Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

During Episode 06: Revelation Act 1, Riot released this skin, which features an imaginative design. It offers no variants or Animation and is available in the store for 875 VP.

6) Artisan Marshal

The Artisan Marshal was introduced in Episode 03: Reflection Act 2 Battlepass. It has a ceramic design that looks quite interesting in-game. Players could obtain this skin after completing tier 10. This Battlepass-exclusive Marshal skin offers four variants: White, Red, Green, and Blue.

7) Moondash Marshal

Moondash Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

This Battlepass-exclusive Marshal skin was included in Episode 06: Revelation Act 3 Battlepass of Valorant. After completing tier 40, players could obtain this abstract skin. Sadly, it doesn’t have any variants.

8) Freehand Marshal

Freehand Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

This Freehand Marshal is a part of the latest Episode 07: Evolution Act 2 Battlepass. Players are mostly drawn towards Its abstract design. It’s a part of the Freehand collection and not available in the market.

9) Divine Swine Marshal

This non-upgradable Marshal skin was available in Episode 04: Disruption Act 2 Battlepass on Valorant. After grinding their way to tier 15, players could get this skin. In terms of looks, it offers an attractive design, but no variants or animation.

10) Monarch Marshal

The Battlepass of Episode 03: Reflection Act 1 consisted of the Monarch Marshal. It has a sleek black design with shades of grey and gold, which looks quite good in-game. Players had to grind their way up to tier 40 to add this skin to their inventory.


1) Couture Marshal

The Couture Marshal was introduced in the Battlepass during Episode 01: Ignition Act 1 in Valorant. Players could achieve this Marshal skin after completing tier 10. It has a simple white design with a shade of black that doesn’t look good in-game.

2) Polyforg Marshal

This Marshal was a part of Episode 02: Formation Act 2 Battlepass of Valorant and was introduced in the POLYfrog bundle. The skin has no variants and looks too bland in terms of design. Players had to grind their way to tier 40 to obtain it.

3) Premiere Collision Marshal

Premiere Collision Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

The Premiere Collision Marshal was released in the Battlepass of Episode 05: Dimension Act 2 in Valorant. It lacks any kind of VFX and animations, so it’s not worth buying. After the completion of tier 16, players could add this Marshal skin to their inventory.

4) Avalanche Marshal

Avalanche Marhsal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

The deluxe edition Marshal skin is a part of the Avalanche bundle released in the year 2020. It has a sky blue color with a shade of white that looks too simple in-game. It’s available in the in-game store for 1275 VP.

5) Galleria Marshal

Galleria Marshal (Image via Sportskeeda & Riot Games)

This non-upgradable Marshal skin is a part of the Galleria bundle. Given that, it’s a cheap skin in the game and offers no animation and VFX that would make purchasing it worthwhile. The developers have made this skin available in the store for only 875 VP.

To check out more Valorant tier lists, stay tuned to Sportskeeda.

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